EVENT DATESunday 16 March 2025
10KM - 8:30AM 5KM - 9:00AM CATEGORY16+ years of age to compete in the 21km event.
10+ years of age to compete in the 10km event. 5KM is open to all ages. AWARDS & MAJOR SPOT PRIZE12noon in front of the stage.
MEDALSAll 21km, 10km and 5km finishers receive a finishers medal.
REGISTRATIONRhododendron Lawn, Hamilton Gardens
Friends Lane, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3216 Saturday 15 March 2:00pm to 4:00pm or Sunday 16 March 6:00am to 8:30am Someone else may register on your behalf. LATE ENTRIESLate entries will be accepted at The Hamilton Gardens on Saturday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and on Sunday from 6:00am to 8:30am. All late entries will incur a $10 late fee. EFTPOS not available. Cash or online banking only.
COURSE SUMMARYEasy running on a flat course, with some small undulations to keep it interesting. The course offers a mix of sealed road surfaces and smooth paved surfaces. Walkers are welcome to enter in the 21km. Please ensure walkers start at the back behind the runners and keep to the left at all times.
TOILETSToilets will be located at the start/finish area and also around the course. View maps for locations.
START & FINISH LINERhododendron Lawn, Hamilton Gardens
Friends Lane, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3216 https://maps.app.goo.gl/PWdbL9458wQptArD9 AID STATIONSAll events will be supported with aid stations located along the courses. Aid stations will be at the following km marks and will be stocked with the below:
21KM 3.5km Water 7.3km Water & GU Electrolyte Drink 10.3km Water & GU Electrolyte Drink 13.3km Water & GU Electrolyte Drink 17.8km Water & GU Electrolyte Drink 10KM 3.5km Water 6.7km Water & GU Electrolyte Drink 5KM At the finish line AWARDS & SPOT PRIZESAll awards and major spot prize are awarded at the prize-giving which will take place at 12noon in front of the stage at the Hamilton Gardens. All competitors will be eligible for spot prizes and these will be placed on the spot prize board at the finish line. Please check to see if your number has won a prize as you cross the finish line. Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd placing in each age group category for Men and Women in the 21km and 10km, and will be based on participants mat time. Medals will be awarded to the top 5 men and women overall for the 5km event. The age group categories are as follows for men and women;
21KM 16-19 years, 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-69 years, 70+ years. 10KM 10-15 years, 16-19 years, 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-69 years, 70+ years. 5KM Top 5 men and women overall. TIMINGTiming mats will be located at the finish line. All timing results will be available online by age group category and will be based on participant's mat time.
BAG CHECKThere will be a bag check service available at the start and finish areas. Please collect your bag by 1:00pm before you leave the event area. Any remaining gear will be taken back to our event warehouse until 10 days after the event where it will be donated to Charity.